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MyLife InFocus




Motivation is a method people use to help others surpass limitations, barriers, adversity and weakness. This method is effective whether in reverse psychology, physical and mental exercise, building confidence, persuasion, discipline, and inspiration.  My method of motivation entails an overview of my life’s challenges, the limitations set before me, how I deal and cope with these limitations on a daily basis, and words of encouragement.

            I was born three months premature and about the size of an adult hand January of 1990.  The doctors said that I wouldn’t live long. They didn’t think I would live a year, but thankfully, God had other plans.  I was born with cerebral palsy and scoliosis.  My doctors wanted to operate to correct my condition, but my parents decided against this process for fear of other mishaps. My sisters tell me, that I stayed in the hospital for months cooped up in an incubator. I never got a chance to meet my mother, because unfortunately, she died two months after my birth.

            Growing up, I’ve encountered a lot of struggles with self-acceptance, the ability to walk, maintaining relationships outside the family, interaction with the public, and confidence resulting in poor eye contact. I’ve also had to deal with issues of anger and frustration, fear of rejection, fear of failure, and fear of being alone.  There have been times when I’ve observed friends and family running, playing ball, driving, cooking, and jumping. This has oftentimes made me feel jealous, sad, mocked, and lonely, but I have always had a great influential support system in my corner. My sisters, my father, my aunts, my cousins, and close friends have always motivated me to be persistent.

            I cope with all of my limitations through God and faith, my career, my strengths, and my hobbies.  Despite the loss of my mother, my immediate family taught me about faith. I remember the story in the Bible about Abraham and how he put his faith in God about his future even though the odds were against him.  At times Abraham had given up hope, but God had a ram in the bush. He had another avenue or way of escape for him. God promised Abraham that he would give him children and bless him among many. Abraham is inspiration for me not to give up hope and to believe the personal promises God has made to me.

            My career consists of comedy, acting, music, and writing. I am really good at what I do, and find joy in it.  My motivation is to use the skills and talents that I have, to one day become great and world famous.  I feel overjoyed and complete when I’m in my element. I am pleased when someone sees my work and what I’m capable of.  I want people to receive my life story, my joy, my pain, and my sense of humor through my work.  When they smile, it makes me feel important. I know that I am already important, but it’s something about when other people know it too. I want people around the world to know and see me with their hearts as well as their eyes.

            If your life is hard and you have certain limitations, I encourage you to concentrate on what you can do, not what you can’t do. Don’t give up just because you can’t do a certain thing, try something else. Keep prayer as a part of your daily walk, talk and being. God doesn’t discriminate, he creates. You are who you are, and that’s no debate. Know this: make moments count.


Gabriel Allen



 PO Box 41252, Greensboro, North Carolina 27404


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